Legal notice

Legal Notice

The entity that owns this website and is responsible for its management and maintenance is the National Centre for Geographic Information (CNIG) of the National Geographic Institute (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda), with its main headquarters on Calle General Ibáñez de Ibero, 3, Madrid. The content of this website is protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights.

The CNIG reserves the right to make changes to the portal without prior notice, with the aim of updating, correcting, modifying, adding or removing contents of the portal or modifying its design.

This website contains links to external pages over which CNIG has no control and, therefore, assumes no responsibility for the content that may appear on such sites. In turn, the CNIG disclaims all liability for any damages that may be caused by the use of the tools or information contained in the website.

The user must access the website and use its contents in a correct and lawful manner and, in particular, commits to make use of the utilities and/or services offered through the website in accordance with the law in force at all times.

The user may not use this website for any aim or purpose that is illegal or prohibited, and any action detrimental to the CNIG or third parties is prohibited.

The total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website is prohibited without mentioning its origin or requesting authorization.


Data Protection Policy

In accordance with the EU Regulation on the Protection of Natural Persons (2016-679), the IGN commits to fulfil its obligation of confidentiality with respect to personal data that may be collected in forms, records or emails and its duty to treat this data with confidentially. To this end, it shall take the necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.

You will have the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition for your personal data if it is in the files of the IGN, requesting it by any means that leaves proof of its sending and of its reception. To exercise your rights, you can use the following email:

The IGN reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to new legislative, legal or interpretative developments from the Spanish Data Protection Agency. In this case, the IGN will announce such changes, clearly and in good time, indicating the changes made and requesting, if necessary, acceptance of such changes.